Electricity is so much important for us . So don't waste it . Plzz Save it.
Energy is a conserved quantity. According to law of conservation, energy is neither be created nor be destroyed. There are different forms of energy-light, sound, chemical energy, mechanical energy, heat energy, electricity and so on. One form of energy can be converted into another form but this is not always easy to do. But the electricity is the form of energy that can be easily converted to heat, light, sound, mechanical energy and so on.
And most Important electricity is easily transported from its points of production to any other place. ElectriCity is transported through conducting wires over long distances.
This two features of the electricity: easily convertable and easily transportable made electricity the most important form of energy in use today. It becomes an essential part of modern life. electricity is used for lightning, cooling , heating, charging and different different purpose. Now a days, battery cars and electric trains are also in used. One of the main reason the world is so much developed due to the electricity. Today we can't imagine the world without the use of electricity.That's Why electricity is so much important and becomes the most important part of our life .
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